Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Design Review Panel - Part 1: Can you move the tree bay?

I wonder how many emails the Design Review Panel at The Ponds receive each day? Answer, far too many for them to handle and respond back to in a timely manner. I know.

So, after a nicely phrased response to my first email saying 'it is not possible' to relocate the tree bay, they did offer the following consideration....

"We would be willing to look at reducing "rear" setbacks, as there are really
two "sides" in this corner lot, as long as privacy, yard space, etc was all

Of course, prior to this statement, they had written earlier in the same email...

"It is often difficult to make a house designed for a standard lot "fit" successfully onto a corner. A good test is to look at the elevations that face each street and ask yourself if you would be happy if each was the "front" of your house. It must look interesting and be "articulated" with different elements to break up long flat walls. Unless the house is designed for a corner location, the outcome by 'tacking on' changes or additions can sometimes be not so good. The home you nominated will need some work to present well to the secondary frontage and express the corner".

So, while we were disappointed our Bellmarch home could not be built, we decided to go back to Homeworld and specifically look at corner designed homes. A corner home for a corner lot, sounds good.

I only hope these level of controls from the Design Review Panel are consistent and continue throughout the development of what is supposedly going to be a community of 3000 households.
Come to think of it, we hadn't seen any two-storey homes built or being constructed on corner lots at The Ponds? We saw the 'sold' signs on these corner lots, but very few had any activity.

I wonder, is there anything else we don't know?

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